Turkey - Further Redeployments - 01 Mar to 16 Mar 1923

01 Mar 1923: At Rabaul I create 3 Task Forces each of 5 Submarines and order them to patrol the neighbouring waters.
What are the Americans doing? How can that many divisions be supplied?
My hands are tied here trying to help the UK short of joining the war.
My Manpower is low but I gain 3,010 per month.
I move my Balkan Occupation Force from Kiev to Greece to guard the ports.
03 Mar 1923: I initiate an upgrade, Government Cypher School, for my Intelligence Agency.
An overview of my Intel Network in North America.
Well that is interesting.....
....so I send Romania some more Lend Lease.
I redeploy the 4th and 11th Fighter Wings to Epirus, Greece....
....and on 06 Mar 1923 I order them to patrol over the Central Mediterranean.
I order the 6th Fighter Wing to operate over the Eastern Mediterranean.
On Crete the 1st Bomber Wing needs more flying time.
The OE Task Force 6 (Submarine) is still operating in the Red Sea without incidents.
A detailed breakdown of my Carrier Wing statistics.
I order 6th Army to also defend the ports at Beirut and Tel Aviv.
15 Mar 1923: I import more Steel, this time from Sweden.
16 Mar 1923: I'm not worried about the -1 Rubber deficit.
Last but not least I transfer 4th Airship Wing from Ust Urt to Dnipropetrovsk.
In the next post I take a look at upgrades. Are they worth it? 
