Germany - New Adversaries and France Capitulates - 26 Nov to 05 Dec 1944

26 Nov 1944: Yugoslavia is not at war with Germany so let's hope it stays that way. We have enough forces in the region to defeat them but I want to concentrate on our current adversaries.
France is now 90% towards capitulation.
27 Nov 1944: Now the UK calls Turkey into the war.
28 Nov 1944: Another naval 'victory'.
29 Nov 1944: I adjust my Aluminium imports. Its amazing that the war isn't drastically affecting my war economy.
I transfer 4 Sturm-Divisionen from Armee Albanien to 4th Army and order them to capture Gjirokaster.
The Fall of France is imminent.
30 Nov 1944: France capitulates and we receive masses of captured equipment. Unfortunately most of it is useless old stuff. Level I or earlier.
I begin moving Air Wings to captured forward Airfields nearer to the English Channel.

The green areas show Air Superiority.
01 Dec 1944: UK losses are mounting and the 'green' English Channel indicates that we also have Naval Superiority.
I now commit the Hochseeflotte to patrol the Eastern North Sea. Where is the British High Seas Fleet? Hopefully we can draw their fleet out. I still I have my Carrier Fleet and a U-Boots Flottille in the Baltic Sea.
01 Dec 1944: An overview of the Area of Operations (AoO).
I order Panzerarmee Hausser to the Channel ports.
These figures are misleading because I have masses of equipment if not the latest equipment.
I like lots of green!
I plan my first amphibious assault mission on a state between two English ports. Portsmouth and Dover.
02 Dec 1944: Research on the 8.8 cm Flak 41 has been completed....
....and I select Improved Anti-Tank Upgrade II next.
I place it in Production and only later do I notice that I replaced the Anti-Tank production by mistake. The old Anti-Air production is still there. I fix it later.
The UK now calls the Manchurian Federated Provinces into the war. Fortunately I have dozens of divisions in Eastern Russia and most Manchurian forces are fighting in Southern China.
03 Dec 1944: I assign more Mobile forces from Armee Slovenia to the Artillerie-Korps.
04 Dec 1944: Djibouti has fallen. I put the Armee AEF on automatic earlier and they seem to be doing well without me.
Two more Russian divisions are deployed and I place then in Armeeschule 1.
05 Dec 1944: Bulgaria has just annexed North-Eastern Greece. Note that I now have 4 amphibious assaults planned with a total of 19 divisions allocated.
Three Russian divisions are ordered to Berlin.
That finishes this post. I shall be looking more at the conflict in Southern Europe in the next post. 
