Allies - Yugoslavia Capitulates and Greece Targeted - 09 Aug to 07 Sep 1938

09 Aug 1938: It was just a question of time. Against Italy alone is difficult enough but add on Austria and Hungary, Yugoslavia didn't have a chance.
Montenegro and Kosovo appear to be neutral independent nations.
13 Aug 1938: I select Vickers-Armstrong as our primary tank designer.
17 Aug 1938: The French are making excellent progress in NW Italy.
23 Aug 1938: My Artillery deficit is holding up my recruitment. I'll wait it out.
25 Aug 1938: I switch a MIF from Motorized to Towed Artillery.
My Tank and Aircraft production before....
....and after adding Carrier aircraft on 29 Aug 1938.
The Airborne Division is a Regiment.
I start recruiting now but I'll add extra battalions before I commit it to combat.
They can wait. My new Carrier has priority.
I remind the Dutch again.
02 Sep 1938: Good question.
05 Sep 1938: He was a trouble-maker.
07 Sep 1938: Bad for Greece but good for us because if they do attack the World Tension will rise over 50% which gives us more options.
There's the confirmation but my hands are still tied. War Tension is only at 49%.
Benito doesn't like to disappoint does he?
He's not 'justifying a war goal'.... it must be this. That gives me 70 days to prepare.
There are still foreign troops holding out in Moravia.
Nothing has changed for me on the diplomatic front....
....and I still have the Artillery deficit.
I would prefer to go to war at a later date but Mussolini is forcing the issue. Hopefully France has already worn down Italy's Navy and Air Force. 
