Allies - The Treaty and Post-Conflict Reorganization - 02 Apr to 06 Apr 1939

02 Apr 1939: Playing Nazi Germany recently I had the habit of annexing a whole lot of territory which resulted in problems with high resistance levels. I'm avoiding that this time. In Round 1 I create satellite nations out of Albania, Macedonia and Eritrea but annex the Dodecanese Islands.
In Round 2 I satellite Libya and Ethiopia then annex Somaliland. I end the negotiations.
The Treaty of Vienna. France has made Italy a Supervised State.
I don't have Military Access to any of the nations around me but I can order my troops to Vlore in Albania.
I assign the trained 48th Infantry Division to 2nd Army....
....which is ordered to Garrison Cyprus and the Dodecanese Islands.
03 Apr 1939: It'll take a while for these guys to arrive at the port.
I promote Richard O'Connor to the rank of Field Marshall for services rendered..
Recent events which increased World Tension....
....and a list of current wars. The first two are 50-50 but the Spanish Directory is losing on all fronts. They haven't had Italy and Germany supporting them because of their own wars.
I order the 1st Submarine Flotilla to Mogadishu to have a Royal Navy presence in the Indian Ocean.
Next I call all Canadian Troops and place them under British command. I do the same for the remaining Australian, Indian and New Zealand divisions.
New Zealand divisions go to British Malaya....
....while the new Australian Divisions are sent to garrison New Guinea.
04 Apr 1929: Seven Indian Divisions are assigned to Army ANZAC and shipped to Asmara, Eritrea. The remaining Indian divisions are stationed on their eastern border.
Back at home the Portsmouth Fleet is ordered back to port....
....while two Light Cruisers reinforce it.
06 Apr 1939: Most of the Army Libya units are nearing Albania.
I add another Motorized Infantry battalion to the new Armoured Division template. I also change a Light Tank battalion to a Medium Tank battalion. The reorganization is not yet complete but the division has more combat strength now.
I deploy the 3 Infantry Divisions and the 21st Tank Brigade early....
....then increase the number of Infantry Divisions being recruited to 5 per batch.
The 3 Infantry Divisions are placed in training....
....and the 21st Brigade is converted to an Armoured Division then assigned to the Royal Armoured Corps which itself becomes a training unit.
We now have 103 divisions in the British Army spread all around the Empire.
Within a week the British Army has gained 45 divisions and we are asserting our global commitment. 
