Germany - World War II and Expanding the Luftwaffe - 28 May to 06 Jun 1940

28 May 1940: The French-Italian border.
29 May 1940: The war from the French point of view....
....the Finnish point of view....
....and the British.
I offer France Military Access and they accept.
30 May 1940: The Focus Fate of Yugoslavia has been completed.
I annex all of Czechoslovakia and do nothing to Yugoslavia. They are already in the Axis.
31 May 1940: We are in the news again.
As you can see we are not at war.
I select Army Innovations II as my next Focus.
01 Jun 1940: I deploy 6 new Geschwader in Tyrol and commence Pilot Exercises.
Pilot Exercises are akso ordered for the Küstenfliegergruppe in Hinterpommern.
My Fuel stocks....
....and Logistics Fulfillment. Both are looking good.
06 Jun 1940: The majority of Romanian divisions are now at their border with the Soviet Union.
I need 57 Naval XP to create a 1940 Heavy Cruiser but I only have 37 so I must wait.
The war is doing fine without us. Meanwhile the Wehrmacht is gaining in strength. 
