Germany - U-Boot and Destroyer Upgrades and Pilot Training - 01 Jun to 39 Aug 1938

01 Jun 1938: I select Erwin Rommel, Armour Genius, for the Military High Command.
10 Jun 1938: Research has been completed on Paratroopers I....
....and I select Computing Machine next.
13 Jun 1938: I refuse any aid. In the last campaign I did help and they didn't join the Axis.
15 Jun 1938: I select Improved Equipment Conversion. Something must have completed but I forget  to make a screenshot.
My current Research projects.
I start improving relations with Romania.
I remind the Dutch again.
29 Jun 1938: The Focus Tactical Air Effort has been completed....
...and I select Reichsautobahn as the next Focus.
I unlock the Air Doctrine Formation Fighting which has good bonuses.
12 Jul 1938: I select 8 more Type II U-Booten to be refitted.
I order Pilot Exercises for a Stukageschwader based at Gdynia.
17 Jul 1938: I select two more old Destroyers to be refitted to the 1936 Destroyer Hull C design.
Ditto for three more in the Hochseeflotte.
27 Jul 1938: I no longer have deficits of Infantry and Support Equipment but I'm still short on Panzer III/IV's.
01 Aug 1938: I assign 6 fully-trained Infanterie-Divisionen to Kesselring's 1st Army.
17 Aug 1938: I order Pilot Exercises for two Geschwader at Warsaw.
28 Aug 1938: I unlock the Naval Doctrine Convoy Interdiction.
30 Aug 1938: We have finished researching Construction II....
....and have selected Anti-Tank Upgrade next.
This will enable new guns for my Panzer designs. 
