England - Spitfire Production and Amphibious Warfare - 26 Jun to 19 Jul 1939

26 Jun 1939: I've sent the HMS Ark Royal in refit where it is being upgraded to the Formidable-Class standard.
My Cruiser and Destroyer production.
30 Jan 1939: The trained 76th Infantry Division is assigned to Home Army.
A detailed report of the Resistance in Mecklenburg.
03 Jul 1939: The Improved Small Airframe has been researched....
....and Supermarine receives the Trait Metal Skin.
I decide to research Engines III for Aircraft and I select De Havilland as the MIO.
My current Research projects with two being completed within a month.
08 Jul 1939: My Recruit and Deploy chart.
19 Jul 1939: The Focus Amphibious Warfare has been completed.
I appoint Philip Kerr as a Political Advisor which increases Political Power by 15% per day.
It's time to get rid of Chamberlain and replace him with Winston Churchill.
Thank you, Switzerland - very helpful.
My non-Tank Army production. The shortages are now less critical.
Let's create the Spitfire.
It receives Engines II and 4 x Heavy Machineguns....
....as well as Radio Navaigation and Extra Fuel Tanks.
I have Weight restrictions so I can't add more until Engines III arrive.
The MIO is Supermarine, of course.
I place it in production in addition to the Hurricane. Old biplanes still need to be replaced and later I want to build a Figher Bomber using the Hurricanes.
Now I just need the Mosquito and the Lancaster then we are ready for Italy, Russia and the Japanese. 
