Germany - War in the Baltic - 09 Dec 1939 to 15 Jan 1940

09 Dec 1938: I deploy both Panzer-Divisionen and 20 Sicherungs-Divisionen early....
….and place them in the Armeeschule.
I transfer 2 Fighter Wings to Poland from Oberbayern….
….then 10 Dec 1939 a third Fighter Wing from Brandenburg.
11 Dec 1939: Next a Naval Wing from Bosnia to operate of the Black Sea.
18 Dec 1939: I receive another division from Falangist Poland.
21 Dec 1939: Spain wants to join the Axis and I accept.
We issue a joint statement.
They are looking for a new Research slot. A good move!
Finally I remind the Dutch about trade again.
28 Dec 1939: Obviously we don't think much of Falangist Poland because they have claims on German territory.
30 Dec 1939: I transfer a Stuka wing to Muntenia for anti-ship missions over the Black Sea.
02 Jan 1940: Meanwhile at the Abwehr another Machine-Assisted Encryption upgrade has arrived.
The Abwehr is busy decrypting the new Soviet codes.....
….and our operatives need to learn all about Plastic Explosives.
09 Jan 1940: Der Führer gives another speech justifying Germany's policies toward the Soviet Union.
10 Jan 1940: The Nation Focus Long Range Escorts has been completed.
I select Reichsautobahn next. Important for our infrastructure.
11 Jan 1939: I reject Imperial Japan's proposal for a Tripartite Pact. We have nothing in common with those jokers. I don't want to be obligated to support any crazy move against the Allies or the USA.
12 Jan 1940: I transfer another Luftflotte to the East.
13 Jan 1940: The Soviets attack Latvia ahead of schedule!!!
They are now at war with the United Kingdom too!
They don't want to join the Axis but I can send 2 Panzer-Divisionen which have volunteered. Their commander is SS-General Sepp Dietrich. They get 100 Bf-109's and 50 Stukas as air support.
I also send Lend-Lease to Latvia.
Our volunteers are in transit.
14 Jan 1940: France joins the Allies.
15 Jan 1940: Latvia follows France's example.
We have to sit on the sidelines for 3 more months but we can use the time well. The Allies won't subdue the Soviets that quickly.
