Germany - My Post-War Activities - 30 Sep to 05 Oct 1939

30 Sep 1939: The Resistance levels in occupied Italy are remarkably low. It appears the Italians are glad that Mussolini is gone.
I assign 1. Armeegruppe to the French-German border.
01 Oct 1939: My adjusted Production for the Heer….
….and Luftwaffe.
I send garrison troops to my overseas territories (Armee Übersee), i.e. Sardinia, Sicily, Rhodos , Tripoli and Eritrea.
The artillery shortage is harmless.
04 Oct 1939: My Abwehr has received the upgrade Invisible Ink.
I select Interrogation Techniques next.
05 Oct 1939; Great news! My Cryptology Department has deciphered the Soviet codes.
I deploy 10 Sturm-Divisionen early....
….reduce the number of new divisions to two and start recruiting 10 Sicherungs-Divisionen (Security Divisions).
I place the newly deployed divisions in training,
I also deployed the 8. Panzer-Division early.
Next I plan upgrading the infrastructure in Niederschlesien in order to improve the gain in resources.
I start decrypting the Japanese codes....
….and import more Tungsten from the UK.
Oops! The new Soviet Focus is Claims in Baltic. Lithuania and/or Latvia are in trouble.
The Soviets are not popular in Germany. At least they are not justifying a war goal.
I believe the Soviets will get more of my attention in the near future. Bis bald.
