Germany - Britain Embarrassed - 01 Jun to 15 Jun 1941

01 Jun 1941: How could they leave Malta unguarded? With Gibraltar in Spanish hands, the Suez Canal and Alexandria in French hands and now Malta in Italian hands what could possibly make things worse?
I offer Denmark a non-aggression pact....
....and start improving diplomatic relations.
Denmark has accepted.
The capital ships Bismarck and Seydlitz are assigned to the Nordseeflotte....
....while 2. U-Boots Flottille receives another U-Boot, U-57.
I begin deploying a long-range Bomber Wing near Budapest. This is the first Air Wing to receive the new He-177 Greif.
A visit to Central America shows that little El Salvador is putting a brave fight against the Goliath Mexico.
Now this explains a few things. Right from the start they have war plans against Germany and Japan. We blew away the goddamn Communists! Doesn't that count, FDR?
03 Jun 1941: I now deploy a new Fighter Wing at Plovdiv in Bulgaria.
04 Jun 1941: My Fuel situation is constantly improving. I do need more storage facilities in selected theatres though.
06 Jun 1941: As if it couldn't get worse...
08 Jun 1941: Good. The Abwehr has received the 2nd Government Cypher School upgrade.
The UK can't deliver all the Rubber Germany requires so I import some from Siam instead.
I also reduce the amount of Tungsten being imported from Portugal.
11 Jun 1941: I add a second Medium Tank battalion to the Panzer-Division giving it much more hitting power.
I also appropriately change its name.
14 Jun 1941: These Serbs in Bulgaria are beginning to annoy me. They don't even respect deutsche Panzer!
At the moment Infantry divisions are the default garrison force.
Let's change that to Panzer-Divisionen.
15 Jun 1941: Let's finish this post the way I opened it with another capitulation, this time Honduras. So El Salvador is still holding out.
Is the global conflict turning into an Aryan versus Latino contest? What will the USA decide to do?
