France - The War Escalates, India and Reorganization - 15 Mar to 21 Mar 1940

15 Mar 1940: I place all the divisions of Army Syria on hold. I don't want them moving around.
19 Mar 1940: I deploy these 3 divisions early....
....then place them in training.
I transfer the 3rd and 9th Motorized Infantry Divisions to Army Indochine from Army Mobile.
I add an extra Medium Armoured battalion to the Armoured Division Template.
My Construction schedule.
21 Mar 1940: A Civil War begins in India.
Japan declares war on Indonesia then Indonesia joins the Allies then Communist China calls Yugoslavia as our ally in the Polish-Chinese conflict. This is getting complicated. 
Poland is fighting somewhere with 4% of the war effort.
This Communist India is much larger than the British Raj and they have a non-aggression pact with the USA(?) and SSSR.
The British Raj is still a British puppet and is at war with SSSR and the Japanese faction
I move our Far East Fleet to Singapore.
The Reorganized Government of China is Japanese conrolled. They appear to be justifying a war goal against Japan. (????)
This one is really complicated but there are amphibious assaults planned against the Philippines and in Eastern Micronesia. I believe that Wake Island is there.
Three divisions of Army Indochine are still on the move so I can't ship it to Singapore yet.
I disband the 1st Army Group.
My Fuel stocks are improving.
I create the new Indochine Theatre and add Army Asienne to it.
They want Wake Island. Resistance levels are on the rise in Iraq.
Finally the Global Summary which hasn't changd much.
Poland is complicating things by joining the Japanese circus. I might need to keep troops here in the Near East. 
