France - Strikes and Factionless Again - 27 Apr to 18 May 1941

27 Apr 1941: I start training the entire Army Italian.
I transfer the 7th Light Mechanized Division to Army Balkan.
I propose a non-aggression pact with Germany and they accept.
30 Apr 1941: I create a Task Force around the Aircraft Carrier Béarn and send it patrolling in the Bay of Biscay.
02 May 1941: At sea I can now train its Carrier Wing.
05 May 1941: I deploy the 18th and 47th Infantry Divisions early....
....and place them in training.
We accept the Infantry Equipment from French Italy.
06 May 1941: Damn it! Strikes again - in Fascist France????
09 May 1941: Less than half of my Civilian Factories are available for Construction.
13 May 1941: Kick 'em when they're down. F**k you, Winston.
We can't rejoin the Allies. Great, I'm staying neutral.
Army Italian is now French Italian again.
16 May 1941: The Resistance in Yugoslavia is mixed. Most are increasing still but 2 states are stable and Montenegro is improving. Belgrade however is still over the top.
18 May 1941: My War Support and Stability. Neither are particularly good.
We are not in any faction again. This sucks.
Resistance levels in the Levant are improving.
The Global Summary is unchanged.
I'm seriously thinking about quitting because as France it is impossible to plan anything. 
