France - Reorganization, Resistance and India - 10 Jul to 21 Jul 1940

10 Jul 1940: I ship another 2 units from Ärmy India to Djibouti.
I've haven't been placing much emphasis on Resistance during the campaigns but I also received no warnings - no news is good news. I'm already garrisoning Syria/Iraq and the levels are sinking.
Albania is steady at 20%....
....and Tobruk is at 9% and sinking.
I request 12 divisions from French Italy....
....and I receive them then order them to gather near Paris.
However five of them are Colonial Forces so I divert them to Sardinia where they can replace the 4 good divisions which are currently there.
I assign the 4 good divisions to Army Pyrenee. All units should automatically move to their new assignments.
11 Jul 1940: I delete all orders for Army Pyrenee....
....rename it Army Maginot and order it to the Maginot Line.
12 Jul 1940: Et voilà!
15 Jul 1940: The trained 35th Infantry Division is assigned to Army Maginot.
17 Jul 1940: More trouble in India. I thought that we had defeated the Indian People's Republic.
I allow Ethiopia and Bulgaria to join the war.
18 Jul 1940: That didn't take long.
Mandalay is part of Burma in the real world so I must have been given it after helping the British Raj win the war. I received a notice about captured equipment but there was no mention of territorial gains. I may have to send troops back to India. But Poland first.
There are two more units in India so I ship them directly to Bouche-du-Rhône.
I unlock the Air Doctrine Direct Ground Support.
21 Jul 1940: Finally my Fuel Status is much better. I've never had so much Fuel before. 
I need to observe what the UK undertakes against Poland and then support Winston where possible. 
