France - New Aircraft and Armoured Brigade Upgrade - 21 May to 02 Jun 1941

21 May 1941: I add another Motorized Infantry Battaliom and an Egineer Company to my Armoured Brigade.
It's now an Armoured Division.
I transfer all four not just one)  trained Armoured Divisions back to Army Levant
I rename the brigades accordingly.
I order Pilot Exercises for two Fighter Wings at Damascus.
Good. My Politica Power is still 1.0 per day.
22 May 1941: I allow it.
27 May 1941: I only have 13 Civilian Factories available because of the strikes.
28 May 1941: I again request French Italy for 24 divisions.
I use the new Army Italy to garrison former Yugoslavia.
I use the new Improved Small Airframe to create the D.520 Fighter.
I give it a more powerful Engine, 4 Machinegunsm, a Turret with 2 Machinebuns and I use non-essential materials where possible.
I use the same airframe to create a Dive Bomber.
It has the same Engine, Dive Brakes, a small Bomb Bay and again non-essential materials are used where possible. (I've just noticed that it has no defensive armament. It won't be fielded until that is corrected.)
They are both entered into production.
I create Army Caledonia from 4 Infantry Divions of Army India and ship it to Christmas Island.
02 Jun 1941: French Italy cancels their Lend Lease to us.
We get Infantry Equipment from the British Raj instead.
Except for the Dive Bomber faux pas it was a product post. The useless Dive Bombers can be converted. 
