Germany - Amphibious Assault on Ancona - 29 Oct to 27 Nov 1940

29 Oct 1940: I give more support to my attack on Ferrara.
30 Oct 1940: I order 2 more of Guderian's Divisionen westwards to Bologna.
05 Nov 1940: Damn! Ferrara is now being defended by 5 Italian Divisions but we did manage to cross one river.. The attack on Parma is still looking promising.
11 Nov 1940: I ask France for Military  Access.
Italy loses 3 more Merchants.
Italy has now 600K casualties and is 34% towards capitulation.
I launch a new attack in northern Albania.
12 Oct 1940: The attack has started well and France has approved our request for access.
Our thrust towards Parma is faultering but the pocket east of Venezia is looking more promising.
16 Nov 1940: I change the attack on Parma to a probe towards Bologna.
17 Nov 1940: Armee Reserve 1 is ordered to garrison the Oberbayern Region.
18 Nov 1940: My U-Boot and Convoy production.
19 Nov 1940: Stalemate in the West but we may soon, in 4 days, have a minor victory north of Trieste.
20 Nov 1940: Research  has been completed on Improved Large Airframe....
....and I select MG 42 & 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 from Mauser next.
A couple more of Italian Merchants have been sunk.
That's probably Stalin demanding Bessarabia from Romania. I can't influence it.
The 126. Sicherungs-Division is assigned to Armee Reserve 1.
We have sufficient Naval Superiority....
....and I launch the assault on Ancona.
I embark the other 5 Divisionen of Armee Krüger.
24 Nov 1940: There is only one defending division so that`s encouraging.
I order the 2nd force to a port in Southern Dalmatia to keep them embarked.
The 337. Infanterie-Division has been deployed and is placed in training.
I assign 5 trained Infanterie-Divisionen to Armee Krüger. (I forget to order them south to Venezia.)
27 Nov 1940: The assault on Ancona is taking longer than planned so I order the 2nd force back to Zadar.
I also forgot to invoke the Force Attack to boost the assault. 
