Turkey - The Road to Tehran - 12 Sep to 03 Nov 1915

12 Sep 1915: The Ottoman Empire declares war on Iran....
....and here it is transmitted to others.
It is of course a one-sided contest but Iran has decided not to defend the border and the terrain favours the defence.
16 Sep 1915: The operational plans of 1st Army Group. The largest advances are in the south because of the relatively flat terrain. A big sigh of relief because they haven't joined the Entente (yet).
The situation just 17 hours later.
17 Sep 1915: The Focus Armament Effort has completed....
....and I select Trench Warfare Focus next.
Early days but war is going to our advantage.
22 Sep 1915: Much larger penetrations now and more defenders have been located. The Land Doctrine Counter-Offensive has been researched.
I select Specific Encirclement next and spend 100 XP to speed things up.
My current Research Projects. As expected Iran has its main forces defending the capital Tehran. I don't want to push them into Tehran instead pin them down and take the city from a different direction. The advance is progressing well in the south and centre. I need to capture Isfahan and Bandar Abbas.
27 Sep 1915. The 3 British divisions (left in the picture) allow me to breathe easier.
There is stubborn resistance in the north.
28 Sep 1915: The technology Tank Prototype has been fully researched.
I select Early H. Tank I next. Light tanks don't interest me.
I have to adjust my imports. I cancel my Steel imports from Austria-Hungary....
....and halve the Steel imported from Germany.
I import more Aluminium from Austria-Hungary....
29 Sep 1915: I cancel my Oil imports from Austria-Hungary and I am not sure why.....the heat of the battle?
05 Oct 1915: Obviously I didn't pin down those 4 Iranian divisions too well but the road to Tehran from the SW looks more promising now.
13 Oct 1915: We have heavier losses but that is to be expected.
20 Oct 1915: One week later the loss ratio is still 5:1 but they are now 53% towards capitulation.
22 Oct 1915: Rubber shortage so I cancel my imports from the Netherlands....
....and import from the UK instead.
I still can't go to Extensive Conscription because my enemy is too weak. Our advance on Tehran from the west is now very promising.
29 Oct 1915: It is looking very critical for the Iranians.
01 Nov 1915: The end is very near and....
03 Nov 1915: Iran capitulates after putting up a formidable defence. A lot of supplies captured which we can put to good use - garrisons.
It's made the headlines around the world.
I take the three provinces with Oil....
....then puppet the rest.
The Treaty of Mashad.
The conquest of Iran in one post. I have Iran's Oil which can be developed plus Bandar Abbas at the Straits of Hormuz. Reorganization in the next post. 
