USA - Pacific Preparations and Germany Again - 20 Sep to 27 Sep 1939

20 Sep 1939: I send a second Infantry division from 2nd Army to Wake Island, Johnson Atoll and Midway Island then reassign them to Pacific Army.
I send 6 Clemson-Class Destroyers from Destroyer Division 20 for refit to Farragut-Class.
I order Asiatic Fleet to Manila....
....and Carrier Division, Battle Force to Pearl Harbour then assign it to Central Pacific Theatre.
I ask Canada for Docking Rights and receive permission. Also Germany is now putting pressure on the Benelux countries.
Then I order Atlantic Reserve Submarines to Newfoundland.
22 Sep 1939: Germany declares war on Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. 
Italy joins the Axis. That's nice.
Yep. The UK is at war with Germany, Italy and Slovakia.
I create the European Expedition Force and assign two Air Groups to it.
I then offer the Force to the UK as volunteers.
Damn. I still can't justify war goals against Japan.
The UK allows my volunteers to fight in their wars. How kind!
The Netherlands joins the Allies.
23 Sep 1939: Finally this relic of the post-Great War world has been trashed.
24 Sep 1939: Belgium and Luxembourg join the Allies. Also OSS is upgraded with Blueprint Stealing.
The European EF will arrive in the UK on 06 Oct 1939.
The French Commune has not joined Comintern (yet) and is guaranteeing the independence of Romania.
27 Sep 1939: Returning to the Pacific I order 4th Submarine Squadron to Midway Island....
....and 6th Submarine Squadron to Wake Island.
I transfer 7 Barracuda-Class Submarines to 7th Submarine Squadron in the Atlantic.
War Tension is now at 92%. Democracy sucks in Hearts of Iron. 
