USA - A Combined Japanese and Latin American Strategy (II) - 09 Jan to 19 Jan 1940

09 Jan 1940: I answer 'No'.
10 Jan 1940: Now we have a Civil War in Brazil. One side joins the Allies....
....and the other side joins the Axis. We have landed on Taiwan without any resistance.
I plan the advance of our 3 divisions on the beach. Another 3 which are still at sea will support them if we encounter resistance.
11 Jan 1940: Now Italy is supporting the fascist Empire of Brazil.
14 Jan 1940: Portugal joins the Axis and Italy calls El Salvador into the war.
Now we are also up against Slovakia. Could it get worse?
15 Jan 1940: We shoot down a Japanese Torpedo Bomber.
16 Jan 1940: Their response is to sink 8 of our Merchants.
17 Jan 1940: The Japanese appear to have abandoned the island.
I change the mission of Asiatic Fleet to Convoy Escort.
19 Jan 1940: That will help decrease the deficit of Infantry Equipment. Taiwan has been conquered without encountering any enemy resistance.
We allow Canada to move troops through our territory.
The final troop movements.
I also order two Infantry divisions to the port in northern Luzon.
I plan increasing the capacity of 2 ports on Luzon.
The War Summary showing only the major nations. The Allies have lost more troops than the Axis but Germany has the highest losses. Also Japan has lost twice as many as the USA.
I order Destroyer Squadron 12 and 2nd Submarine Squadron to Miami.
Their mission is to patrol in the Caribbean Sea.
Together with Columbia I create the Free Pan American faction.
I order the 7th Submarine Squadron into the Caribbean Sea to escort a convoy....
....which consists of 4 Infantry divisions headed for Columbia.
Latina America is becoming more complicated than the Far East. We'll muddle through somehow. 
