Germany - A Review of the Wehrmacht - 22 May to 31 May 1938

22 May 1938: I expend 100 Army XP to unlock the Army Doctrine Schwerpunkt - the benefits can be seen.
23 May 1938: The Resistance levels in Poland....
....Libya and the Dodecanese Isjands....
....and finally Eritrea. The levels in Poland are much better than I had expected.
I haven't assigned them to any Division template yet.
Not bad at all.
Fourth Army is on its way to Eastern Europe.
Med(iterranean) Army is destined to garrison Libya and the Dodecanese....
....while Army Eritrea is.....guess waht.
25 May 1938: The Focus Naval Rearmament has been completed....
....and I select Naval Effort next. I had been neglecting the Kriegsmarine.
26 May 1938: I agree to the Treaty.
Freies Europa. I guess we are friendly with the 'yellow' nations.
31 May 1938: I add two Mountain battalions to the Gebirgs-Brigade....
....then rename it to a Gebirgs-Division.
I start recruiting the 2. Gebirgs-Division.
My Army production,
Panzer production....
....and Aircraft production.
The Civil War severely weakened the Wehrmacht but we are free of the Nazis and have friends in Western Europe now.
