Germany - The Heer Expands - 21 Nov 1938 to 07 Jan 1939

21 Nov 1938: I augment the Gebirgs-Division template with an Artillery Support Company.
28 Nov 1938: That's not enough to worry about.
16 Dec 1938: We have completed researching the 15 cm sFH 18....
....and I select Engineer Company II next.
My current research projects.
I start producing the new Howitzer....
....and slightly adjust the the number of Military Factories assigned.
22 Dec 1938: The French-German border. There are not many divisions on the French side.
The Polish Resistance Levels are much lower.
I deploy 11 divisions early and place them in training....
....while the trained 8. and 9. Infanterie-Divisionen are assigned to 4th Army.
25-27 Dec 1938: The Diplomacy ledgers of Greece and Turkey.
27 Dec 1938: We appear to have much better relations with Turkey.
31 Dec 1938: I'm increasing U-Boot production.
31 Dec 1938: The 1. Jagdgeschwader requires further taining.
07 Jan 1939: I prepare a Lend Lease package for Hungary....
....which they accept.
A new year and new opportunities? Only if a nation attacks someone in our faction. 
