Germany - Italy Capitulates and the Treaty of Palermo - 04 May to 22 May 1938

04 May 1938: In Spain Franco and his Nationalists have finally won the Spanish Civil War.
The war in Italy is nearing the end and I order 4th Army to break through the Italian defences and advance into Sicily.
05 May 1938: 4th Army's offensive has been activated and we are no longer required to send Fighters to Hungary.
07 May 1938: We have finished researching Improved Airplane Catapult....
....and select Anti-Tank Upgrade next.
10 May 1938: The Panzerkorps von Weichs has also joined the fray.
The War Summary doesn't look good for Italy. Germany has only lost 10K troops - much less than Italy's losses.
11 May 1938: I increase the pressure for the final drive on Palermo.
16 May 1938: We have breached the Italian defence line south of Naples.
18 May 1938: Italy has capitulated and the Treaty of Palermo will decide Italy's future. I make it short this time selecting only 3 states in Libya plus the Dodecanese Islands. The UK also wants the latter so it requires two more rounds before I finally acquire the islands.
I next select Eritrea and after 3 rounds it is finally mine.
19 May 1938: The Treaty itself with the 5 states  I demanded but what is German Italy, German Hungary and German Romania?
I organize Occupation Forces for overseas territories based around 1st Army.
I add 3 divisions from 4th Army so that I have the required 7 divisions.
The remaining 13 divisions of 4th Army are assigned garrison duties in Poland.
22 May 1938: My new Construction schedule.
German Italy is now a puppet of Germany and a member of Freies Europa. They were researching a Treaty with Germany and I guess that they now have one.
Finally I appoint Ernst Udet as a Military Theorist.
I'm curious what the Resistance levels now look like in our occupied territories but more in the next post.
