Germany - New Artillery for the Wehrmacht - 16 Nov to 10 Dec 1938

16 Nov 1938: My Aircraft production.
The Capital Ships now have a maximum of 5 Dockyards per ship.
18 Non 1938: I create Fallschirmkorps commanded by General Kurt Student using the trained 1. Fallschirmjäger-Division.
I create 4 new Geschwader at Westfalen. I order Pilot Exercises.
The trained Heavy Cruiser Admiral Hipper is assigned to Hochseeflotte....
....while the Destroyer Z8 Bruno Heinemann is assigned to the Ostseeflotte.
The U-Booten U-36 and U-37 are assigned to I. U-Boots Flottile.
The Ju 87 A will be updated with new Traits that Junker has received.... the Ju 87 A-2.
It is put into production.
I add Field Hospital to my Panzer-Division template.
The 1. and 4. Panzer-Divisionenrequire further training.
25 Nov 1938: Research has been completed on Anti-Tank Upgrade....
....and I select Computing Machine next.
28 Nov 1938: We have also researched 15 cm sFH 18....
....and I select Fuel Refining III next.
My current Research projects.
02 Dec 1938: I replace the Towed Artillery with the new Improved Artillery.
06 Dec 1938: The Abwehr has been upgraded with Naval Department....
....and I select Airforce Department next.
10 Dec 1938: The trained 1. and 4. Panzer-Divisionen are returned to I. Panzerkorps.
That's all for this post. 
