Germany - The Abwehr in Action - 13 Feb to 11 Mar 1943

13 Feb 1943: The Abwehr has received the upgrade Commando Training....
....and I select Interrogation Techniques next.
16 Feb 1943: Mauser has received the Trait Drum Pattern Sights.
17 Feb 1943: Predictable.
18 Feb 1943: All we can do now is wait.
20 Feb 1943: Four trained Destroyers are assigned to the Arktikflotte....
....and 3 Type XXI U-Booten are assigned to V. U-Boots Flottille.
06 Mar 1943: Research has been completed on Fuel Refining IV....
....and I select Modern Rubber Processing next.
I import more Aluminium from Norway.
09 Mar 1943: The trained 7. and 9. Panzer-Divisionen are assigned to 3. Panzerarmee....
....while its 14. Panzer-Division is sent to further training.
10 Mar 1943: Great, so I'll commence the active decryption.
I'll start decrypting in Spain next.
11 Mar 1943: That could be dangerous.
I also activate the decryption bonuses process in the Russian Empire.
That'll keep the Abwehr busy for a while. 
