Germany - The Abwehr and Wilhelm Canaris - 08 Jul to 28 Aug 1938

08 Jul 1938: The 21. Infanterie-Division has been deployed and placed in training.
10 Jul 1938: The same for the 23. Infanterie-Division.
16 Jul 1938: Ditto the 24. Infanterie.Division.
20 Jul 1938: Go for it, Bulgaria.
I add a 5th MIF to Truck production.
24 Jul 1938: Research has been completed on 1936 Carrier Hull.
The 29. Infanterie-Division (mot.) has arrived and is placed in training.
I decide to research Anti-Air Upgrade next.
My current Research projects.
28 Jul 1938: The trained Destroyer Z7 Hermann Schoemann is assigned to Ostseeflotte.
All the other ships need repairs.
02 Aug 1938: The 1. Fallschirmjäger-Division has been deployed and placed in training.
The trained 1. and 4. Panzer-Divisionen are assigned to Guderian's I. Panzerkorps.
03 Aug 1938: The Intelligence Agency Abwehr has been created....
....and I proceed to form the Cryptology Department.
In Sachsen I add 3 x CIF to the Construction queue.
21 Aug 1938: I select Admiral Wilhelm Canaris as a Political Advisor.
28 Aug 1938: The Cryptology Department has been formed....
....and I select the upgrade Radio Interception Group (I) next.
I start decrypting the Soviet codes.
I add a MIF to Infantry Equipment production and plan the next one for Trucks.
We are beginning to get short on Army equipment. 
