USA - The Home Front and Ethiopia - 07 Jan to 16 Apr 1936
07 Jan 1936: Except for Army Reserve all Armies are in training.
The Infantry Division has 9 Infantry Battalions and has only Artillery and Engineer Companies.The National Guard Divisions are huge with 12 Infantry Battalions.
That's a large Cavalry Division with 8 Cavalry Battalions. There is only one of these - the 1st Cavalry.
The Garrison Brigade with 3 Infantry Battalions are to be found on most Pacific Islands.
Finally the Marine Brigade is weak but can be expanded.
07 Feb 1936: The U.S. Congress plays a big role in this campaign. A lot of Foci depend on a minimum number of seats which the Government controls. Both chambers of Congress are gaining here.
The Government controls both the House and the Senate.
14 Feb 1936: A witchhunt - that sounds familiar.
The Opposition now controls the House.
11 Mar 1936: Hitler is not being opposed so Germany is going historical. The Focus Continue the New Deal has been completed.
I select George Marshall as my Chief of Army....
....and WPA as my next Focus.
12 Mar 1936: Good for Turkey.
14 Mar 1936: I select Small Lobbying Effort which will support the Government in both Chambers of Congress.
18-20 Mar 1936: Ethiopia's days are numbered.
04 Apr 1936: My Logistics Chart. Too many deficits.
15 Apr 1936: A coup in Japan and a Civil War in Ethiopia (?).
The Governorate is an Italian puppet and it as well as Italy are at war with Ethiopia.
16 Apr 1936: Research has been completed on Electronic Mechanical Engineering....
....and I select Radio next.
My current Research projects.
I select Small Lobbying Effort again.
What happened in Ethiopia is a surprise.
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