Gemany - Preparation For War - 25 Aug to 11 Sep 1940

25 Aug 1940: I withdraw Army Frankreich from the French border and assign it to the Italian border.
I also assign Panzerarmee Guderian to a portion of the Italian border.
29 Aug 1940: The two Armeen are redeploying.
31 Aug 1940: Good for the Japanese and I deny Italy's request again.
The newly-deployed 306. Infanterie-Division is placed in training.
I change the colour of Armee Frankreich.
01 Sep 1940: I redo the plans for the three Armee and we can attack Italy on 26 Sep 1940.
03 Sep 1940: I assign four Panzer-Divisionen, currently in training, to Panzerarmee Guderian.
04 Sep 1940: Outrageous.
The 319. Infanterie-Division has been deployed and sent to training.
The 5. and 6. Gebirgs-Divisionen require further training.
I use half of Armee Österreich to create Armee Krüger....
....then assign it to the Italian border E. of Zara.
08 Sep 1940: The 1. and 2. Fallschirmjäger-Divisionen have been deployed and placed in training.
The trained 86. Infanterie-Division is assigned to Armee Österreich.
10 Sep 1940: I commence assigning Air Wings to the 3 Armeen and the Alpine Air Region
I transfer Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 to Bosnia.
11 Sep 1940: Together with 2 Fighter Wings it is assigned to Anti-Ship duties in the Adriatic Sea.
I order III. U-Boots Flotille to patrol in the Adriatic Sea.
We are almost ready but we still have 15 more days to prepare. 
