USA - Three New Civil Wars - 24 Dec 1936 to 10 Feb 1937

24 Dec 1936: Brooklyn Naval Yard receives the Trait Submarine Hunters . 26 Dec 1936: Not on my watch. 21 Jan 1937: Europe is in a revolutionary mood. Civil Wars in both Italy and Latvia. The Italian Union is Communist.... ,,,,and is fighting against Mussolini's Republica Soziale Italia. Mussolini has the industrial north. In Latvia the independents are Communist and are challenging the larger non-aligned Latvia. The Current Wars chart. 02 Feb 1937: Yet another Civil War, this time in Poland. Sanationist Poland, non-aligned, is up against.... ....the Polish Peasant Union which is Democratic. The new Current Wars chart. The Diplomacy register for the United Kingdom is a surprise. Normally it is 100% Democratic. The British Empire has disappeared. They may be easy meat for Adolf. 19 Feb 1937: The 1st Marine Brigade has been deployed and I place it in the newly-created Training Army. I want to modernize the Brooklyn Class Light Cruisers. First I upgrade the two Anti-Air Batteries.... ....