Germany - Aircraft Deployment and Three Panzer Armies - 01 Feb to 09 Feb 1943

01 Feb 1943: The remaining nine divisions of Armee Russland are on the home stretch.
04 Feb 1943: A new Russian Armoured Division is assigned to Armeeschule 1....
....then ordered to Bratislava.
I deploy 2 new Air Wings to Spanish Africa
....and one new Fighter Wing to Madrid.
I order 1. U-Boots Flottille to patrol in the English Channel.
05 Feb 1943: Korea joins Japan and that means their upcoming war too.
06 Feb 1943: France's Intel ledger, according to the Abwehr.
09 Feb 1943: I deploy 1 Stuka Wing and 2 Fighter Wings to Alsace-Lorraine.... well as 1 Stuka Wing, 1 Bomber Wing and 1 Fighter Wing to Sardinia. That's all my Luftwaffe Reserves committed.
Five days before the remainder of Armee Russland arrives in port.
We now have a Panzerarmee Rommel on Germany's border with Yugoslavia.
I transfer two Russian Infantry Division from Armee Alpen to Armee Bosphorus.
I add Panzerkorps Guderian to Armee Alpen....
....and Panzerarmee Guderian is now guarding our border with Occitania.
I draw up offensive plans for Panzerarmee Guderian....
....and Panzerarmee Hausser. They are only contingency plans.
Slowly but surely I am deploying armies in the west - all they now need is the latest equipment.
