Germany - The Axis Join World War II - 27 Apr to 03 Jun 1940
27 Apr 1940: I ask for the Hungarian Army to be put under German control then assign it the Romanian border with the Soviet Union.
29 Apr 1940: It's mission is to occupy Ukraine and support the German right flank-04 May 1940: I choose Ferdinand Schörner to increase the efficiency of my Infantry.
12 May 1940: Another agent, this time Wolf, has been captured....
....and we shall of course organize a rescue mission.
I need to remind the Dutch again.
27 May 1940: Critical shortages still. Not the ideal way to go to war.
I give my Motorized Infantry Division template a second StuG battalion.
30 May 1940: My Focus War with the USSR has completed.
I select the continuous Focus Army Training next.
I declare war on the Soviet Union and call my allies to join.
I activate all my Armies.
01 Jun 1940: I create a new 1st Army and order it nearer to the frontline.
31 May 1940: Now this is interesting. Stalin is concentrating more on the war against the British Empire than the disaster forming on Russia's western border...
The huge Russian Front from the North to the South.
I'm showing a few individual battles in the south to indicate the degree of breakthrough chance.
01 Jun 1940: An overview of the conflict. The Soviets have suffered huge casualties since declaring war on Latvia.
The British ask for Military access and I grant it. They can't declare war on us with their troops within our borders.
This is Germany's largest gamble. I'm looking for a swift victory because of the resistance in former Czechoslovakia.
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