France - Reorganization and a New Aircraft Carrier - 08 Feb to 10 Feb 1942

08 Feb 1942: I unlock the Air Doctrine Formation Fighting.
There are two Russia's - the Fascist Russian Empire....
....and the huge Russian Federation.
I delete all orders for Army Levant....
....then merge it with Army Mobile with General Leclerc as the Commander.
I use Army Levant to garrison the region.
09 Feb 1942: I use Army Balkan to garrison the Bosphorus states
Bulgaria is still a French puppet and Resistance levels in former Portugal appear to be steady.
I transfer two divisions from Army Pyrenée to Army Portugal.
I order the 54th and 56th Infantry Divisions to Islas Balearas.
10 Feb 1942: I need to design a new Aircraft Carrier.
I shall use historical names.
I add Dual-Purpose Guns as secondary armament....
....and the latest Anti-Air Guns.
I also add Deck Armour and 2 Hangars.
I call it the Joffre Class which is the name of the first Carrier. I start two production lines.
My non-Capital Ship Naval production.
My Construction queue.
I have enough Dockyards under construction to create a 3rd production line. 
