France - The Popular Front Bloc Capitulates - 07 Feb to 08 Feb 1942

07 Feb 1942: The SSSR has capitulated and because it was the major power in the Popular Front Bloc all the other nations have also capitulated. The 5 nations at the left of screen are up for grabs including all of Spain.
I begin by demanding the 3 states that control the Bosphorus.
Next I demand the Islas Baleares, Spanish Africa, the Canary Islands and Madiera.
Only the Islas Baleares are contested but I get them after a couple more rounds of bidding
Next I demand most of Portugal and all are contested.
After a few rounds I get what I want.
Next I demand 3 Turkish states north of the Levant.
Two are contested but I finally get them.
I stop bidding here. The Treaty of Tashkent.
08 Feb 1942: The new Iberian Peninsula.
The new Turkey.
The southern Balkans.
I have no access to the Portuguese Republic so my divisions must leave.
I plan the construction of a Fuel Silo in Constantine.
The Global Summary and our situation hasn't changed.
We are now at peace again in Europe but what will Germany do next. One big problem is that we are Fascist and Democracies don't like Fascists. 
