France - The Battle For Milano (2) - 17 Jun to 07 Jul 1939

17 Jun 1939: The attack north of Genova is progressing well while the one south Milano is not doing so well. It's pinning down those 2 divisions though. So let's try our luck with Milano again.
18 Jun 1939: I attack from the north and northwest with 11 divisions.
19 Jun 1939: We have gone from green 65 to green 69.
22 Jun 1939: Sad - that's my commander in Libya.
Another Civil War. At Milano we now have green 89-
I thought the Hellenic Republic is already one of our allies and why is it the American-Bulgarian War?
23 Jun 1939: I made a few adjustments in Libya.
24 Jun 1939: As if they didn't have enough on their plate.
I accept to keep them helping with Fuel.
The Netherlands has almost capitulated.
25 Jun 1939: Now we also have a Bulgarian-British War.
We were successful north of Genova and at Milano we are now green 89.
28 Jun 1939: I had to look twice. We have captured Milano. Excellent. The Italians are counterattacking but are getting nowhere.
We are always defeated - probably because all our warships are in port to save Fuel.
We gained Military Factories from Milano. My new Army production chart and we are short of everything.
I start a new offensive to bypass Genova.
29 Jun 1939: That looks very promising.
04 Jul 1939: The Bulgarian conflict is over and France has no Victory Points.
Another defeat.
05 Jul 1939: We've cut their Army in two. I want that airfield.
Now we need to capture Benghasi.
07 Jul 1939: We can now start mopping up in Libya.
The situation in Greece.
I'm glad that we have finally captured Milano which was one of our major goals at the beginning of the campaign. 
