Germany - More Reorganization and Upgrades - 27 Oct to 02 Nov 1944

27 Oct 1944: They appear to have changed their minds.
I form an Armeegruppe using the 3 Armeen in Siberia and Korea.
I name it Armeegruppe Fern Ost and FM Karl Eglseer is the Commander.
I disband the Armeegruppe Süd.
I order 2. Panzerarmee to garrison  the Leningrad region.
I transfer 3 Infanterie-Divisionen from 2. Panzerarmee to 9. Armee.
02 Nov 1944: I create Armeegruppe West from 1. Panzerarmee and 1. Armee and assign it to our border with France.
I upgrade the Fallschirmjäger-Division with 2 extra Paratrooper Battalions....
....a Field Hospital, Support Anti-Air and Support Anti-Tank.
That looks a lot better.
I start recruiting a total of 8 Fallschirmjäger-Divisionen.
I upgrade the Tiger with Traits from Porsche.... the Tiger A.
I upgrade 15 cm Kanone 18 with Traits from Rheinmetall....
....and replace the previous model being produced.
I have a mountain of Artillery which is good for the Sturm-Divisionen.
Thereis a lot of equipment captured equipment from the Russians and Japanese stockpiled. 
