Germany - Battles in the New Mongol Empire - 07 Oct to 16 Oct 1942

07 Oct 1942: I hope to encircle these 3 enemy divisons NW of Ulaanbaatar.
Gebirgs Armee plans NE of Ulaanbaatar.
08 Oct 1942: Research has been completed on Advanced Medium Tank Chassis.... 
....and I select Field Hospital III from Opel next.
My current Research projects.
Four Infanterie-Divisionen have been deployed and are placed in training.
NW of Ulaanbaatar we have advanced south liberating Russian territory.
09 Oct 1942: Five divisions of 2.Armee thrust eastwards to link up with the advance from the north.
Later in the day I see 'green' battles along the frontline.
10 Oct 1942: On 4. Panzerarmee's right flank we have advanced to the border with the New Mongol Empire and 269. Infanterie-Division supports our attack on the left flank.
14 Oct 1942: Our attack continues and we are advancing in two sectors.
I launch a thrust to capture Ulaanbaatar.
15 Oct 1942: We have also researched Improved Infantry Equipment II....
....and I select MP43 from Mauser next.
16 Oct 1942: Breakthrough and we are about to encircle 5, maybe 6, Japanese divisions.
These are divsions the Japanese can't afford to lose due to their thinly guarded frontline. 
