Germany - The End of Imperial Russia - 19 Aug to 21 Sep 1942

19 Aug 1942: I cancel my Rubber imp0rts from France.
The Aircraft Carriers Seydlitz and Potsdam, and two Light Cruisers, Rhein and Donau, and 8 Destroyers are all trained and assign to Germany Flotta 2....
....while the Destroyers Z51 and Z55 are assigned to Germany TF 1.
Seven Type VII U-Booten are assigned to I. U-Boots Flottille.
Meanwhile at the Siberian Front Armeegruppe Mitte starts an all-out offensive to capture Kyzyl. the capital of the Russian Imperial Protectorate.
25 Aug 1942: We have advanced in the NW and NE and are at the gates of Kyzyl.
01 Sep 1942: Russia has capitulated (again) and we have captured a considerable amount of equipment.
The war is now going 32% in our favour. A large swing.
04 Sep 1942: I select Force Attack for 2. Armee.
Now we must mop up the remaining foreign forces in Imperial Russia.
09 Sep 1942: We have a major breakthrough in the north.
11 Sep 1942: The UK cancels our non-aggression pact. Why?
14 Sep 1942: We have gained a lot of Russian terriritory in the west of the country.
The Offensive continues in New Mongolia too.
15 Sep 1942: Russian Frontline is collapsing in the North too.
17 Sep 1942: The British have problems in India and at Home the Focus Modular Construction has been completed.
20 Sep 1942: Imperial Russia is being slowly but surely but surely being dismantled.
21 Sep 1942: My next Focus is Long-Range Escorts.
Four Infanterie-Divisionen have been deployed and placed in training.
Eight Infanterie-Divisionen of 6. Armee are transferred to 8. Armee which is ordered to assemble in the Minsk Region.
Eyentually I'll probably assign to Armeegruppe Nord. I don't think I'll need more forces in the Far East.
