
Showing posts from October, 2024

Germany - USA Joins Freies Europa and the Fall Of Stalingrad - 25 Aug to 15 Sep 1941

25-26 Aug 1941: We send Czechoslovakia a Lend-Lease package and they accept. 26 Aug 1941: I decide to accept the inevitable.... ....and our offer is accepted. 27 Aug 1941: The USA is asking to join Freies Europa and I accept.  I agree to a non-aggression pact with China. What a let down. We can win without them though.  01 Sep 1941: We agree to join the conflict against the Italian Union. 04 Sep 1941: We accept and 5. Armee is attacking Hungary. We allow France and the United Kingdom Military Access to the Empire. We accept. 06 Sep 1941: Research has been completed on Improved Rubber Processing .... ....and I select Advanced Oil Processing  next. My current Research projects. I deploy 8 Infanterie-Divisionen early and place them in training. 07 Sep 1941: The Abwehr has successfully infiltrated the Soviet Army. We import more Tungsten from Portugal. I accept non-aggression pacts with both the United Kingdom and France. 14 Sep 1941: Good work! We have captured Stalingrad and I need to wi

Germany - Hungary and Fuel Shortages - 11 Aug to 25 Aug 1941

11 Aug 1941: That could be a problem. I accept the offer. 16 Aug 1941: Research has been completed on Improved Medium Airframe .... .....and I select Improved Heavy Tank Chassis  from Porsche next. Heinkel receives the Trait High-Frequency Direction Finding . It affects current production. Plans for Armeegruppe Süd in southern Ukraine. Further to the north 4. Panzerarmee enters into the fray. Our Fuel is getting very low. The situation E. of Kursk. 23 Aug 1941: We are out of Fuel and we have completed Research on 1940 Submarine Hull .... ....and Advanced Machine Tools . Rostov is about to fall. I need to cut back on Armoured avtivity, reduce Luftwaffe operations and Navy patrols. 25 Aug 1941: That's all I needed. I place 3 Jagdgeschwader on standby. I select Basic Submarine Snorkel  from Blohm & Voss.... well as 15 cm Kanone 18  from Rheinmetall. My current Research projects. I create 5. Armee from 8 trained Czechoslovakian Infantry Divisions from Armeeschule and assign