Germany - The Wehrmacht Deploys in the East - 09 Feb to 01 Mar 1940

09 Feb 1940: Germaniawerft receives the Trait Semi-Armour-Piercing Shells.
13 Feb 1940: The trained 9. and 11. Panzer-Divisionen are assigned to I. Panzerkorps....
....while the Infanterie-Division (mot.) Großdeutschland is converted to Panzer-Division Großdeutschland.
14 Feb 1940: They've not contacted us.
15 Feb 1940: They seem to think a lot of themselves. Game on!
No problem.
16 Feb 1940: The border can be shifted eastwards too!
20 Feb 1940: The Abwehr has been upgraded with Machine-Assisted Encryption (I)....
....and I select Machine-Assisted Encryption (II) next.
My Destroyer production.
I delete all orders for 2. Armee....
....and reassign it to the southern end of our border with the Soviet Union.
21 Feb 1940: They are en route.
I also delete all orders for Gebirgs Armee....
....and order it to Bialystok.
I order I. Panzerkorps to East Prussia.
22 Feb 1940: We have until 02 Sep 1940. Plenty of time to organize a welcome party. The Soviets now control all the Baltic States.
01 Mar 1940: My two Aircraft Carriers will soon be launched. I need good Carrier Aircraft (not yet researched).
My U-Boot and Destroyer production.
What caused this Soviet move? Is it because they want Poland which would be the next on their list?
