Germany - A New Aircraft Carrier - 06 May to 30 May 1940

06 May 1940: I need a new Aircraft Carrier and I start with the 1940 Carrier Hull.
I add Cruiser Armour III and Secondary Battery II....
....then Anti-Air II and 2 x Hanger Space....
....and Flight Deck Armour and a third Hanger Space.
Finally I add another Secondary Battery II.
I'll name it and put it into production later.
I import more Chromium from Turkey.
11 May 1940: Research has been completed on All-or-Nothing Armour Sceme....
....and I select 1940 Cruiser Hull from Blohm & Voss next.
My current Research projects.
I create 3 new Jagdgeschwader at Königsberg.
14 May 1940: Good work, guys.
20 May 1940: The trained 164. Infanterie-Division (mot.) is assgned to II. Panzerkorps.
I convert 4. Panzer-Division to the new format then place it in training.
29 May 1940: Junkers receives the Trait Low Altitude Attacks.
30 May 1940: The Focus Align Hungary has been completed ....
....and I select Army Innovations II next.
We still have 3 months to prepare for the Soviet attack. 
