Germany - The Road to Democracy - 05 Jan to 16 Feb 1939

05 Jan 1939: The Abwehr receives the Operative Cäsar (Otto Skorzeny).
He is assigned to build an Intel Network in Smolensk.
The Operation to Build a Collaboration Government is still in preparation.
10 Jan 1939: The Diplomacy Registers of France and the United Kingdom. They don't think highly of the new Germany.
25 Jan 1939: The Focus Re-establish Free Elections has been completed.
I select Rebuild the Nation next.
Five trained Infanterie-Divisionen are assigned to 2. Armee.
31 Jan 1939: Research has been completed on  MG 34 & 5 cm Granatwerfer 36....
....and I select Mountain Infantry II next.
01 Feb 1939: Mauser receives the Trait Semi-Auto Rifles.
06 Feb 1939: A fifth MIF is added to He 111 production.
The next 5 MIF's go to Bf 109 E production.
08 Feb 1939: Three Infanterie-Divisionen have been deployed and are placed in training.
We import Chromium from France.
Heinkel receives the Trait Twin-Tail.
16 Feb 1939: We have completed researching Fuel Refining III....
....and I select Concentrated Industry II next.
My current Research projects.
Our Research was delayed by the Civil War.. 
