Germany - Prussian Militarism and the Abwehr - 05 Apr to 06 May 1939
05 Apr 1939: The Focus Rebuild the Nation has been completed....
....and I select Fan Prussian Militarism next. I get more recruits and training time is shorter.08 Apr 1939: My Fuel stocks are improving well.
20 Apr 1939: The 8. Panzer-Division has been deployed and I place it in training.
Messerschmitt receives the Trait Maintenance First Design.
It affects current designs.
I import more Chromium from France.
27 Apr 1939: A very drastic measure.
Germaniawerft receives the Trait Primary Battery Layout.
04 May 1939: Three trained Infanterie-Divisionen are assigned to 2. Armee.
The Abwehr receives another recruit.
The mission Prepare Collaboration Government is in progress and will complete, hopefully, on 16 Sep 1939.
I spend 50 PP to become Spy Master.
06 May 1939: The newly-deployed 6. Panzer-Division is placed in training.
I deploy 7 Infanterie-Divisionen early and place them in training.
I reduce the number of Infanterie-Divisionen being recruited to 5 due to lack of Manpower.
The trained Scharnhorst is assigned to Hochseeflotte....
....while U-38 is assigned to I. U-Boots Flottille.
I start the production of a second Graf Zeppelin Class Aircraft Carrier.
The Resistance Levels in former Poland are very encouraging.
Finally the Global Summary and we are now #2 behind the United Kingdom.
The RAF is dominant again.
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