Germany - Turkey Joins Freies Europa - 05 Sep to 12 Sep 1940

05 Sep 1940: I select Bold Attack for Spirit of the Academy....
....and Professional Officer Corps for Spirit of the Army.
The Abwehr selects Recruit in the Swiss Confederation.
I also select Anti-Communist Raids.
06 Sep 1940: I unlock the Air Doctrine Combat and Destruction.
They are welcome. Finally ports in the Mediterranean.
The Soviets still haven't declared war so by asking for Military Access that will hopefully block them.
07 Sep 1940: Excellent. We can now move around in the Soviet Union.
08 Sep 1940: I create two new Geschwader at Kraków.
12 Sep 1940: They can keep Landsverk. Research has been completed on Improved Oil Processing....
....and I select Concentrated Industry III next.
My current Research projects.
The 2. Fallschirmjäger-Dvision has been deployed and placed in training.
I create 2 new Geschwader at Lower Austria.
Let's look at Italy's war. In East Africa.... North Africa....
....and in the French Alps.
I replace Karabiner 98k production with the MP 38....
....and 3,7 Cm PaK 36 production with the 7,5 cm PaK 40.
I import Steel from the United Kingdom.
Finally the Global Summary and we are now #1 in the World.
This plus the war in the Far East probably deterred the Soviets from attacking us. 
