Germany - Armee Mitte is Created - 06 Nov to 03 Dec 1938

06 Nov 1938: Mauser receives the Trait Heavy Anti-Armour Ammunition.
07 N0v 1938: I create Armee Mitte using 10 trained Infanterie-Divisionen.
The Commander is General Erwin von Witzleben.
14 Nov 1938: MAN receives the Trait Spaced Armour....
....while Messerschmitt receives the Trait Liquid-Cooled Engines.
21 May 1938: R.I.P.
23 May 1938: The trained 12. Panzer-Division is assigned to I. Panzerkorps.
Three of its Panzer-Divisionen require further training.
28 Nov 1938: Research has been completed on 15 cm sFH 18....
....and I select Mountain Infantry II next.
30 Noc 1938: The 3 Panzer-Divisionen are returned trained to I Panzerkorps.
I plan to recruit 5 Infanterie-Divisionen (mot.).
The fully-trained Scharnhorst is assigned to Hochseeflotte.
03 Dec 1938: The Destroyer Z2 Georg Thiele is to be refitted to an improved model.
 The Type 24 Destroyers need to be refitted too.
