Germany - The Italian Campaign (I) - 27 Aug to 04 Sep 1939

27 Aug 1939: Now the Australians have been called into the war by the UK. Istria has been captured and my Motorized Division is about to enter undefended Venice.
28 Aug 1939: The Italians in Albania are really in trouble.
British Malaysia has been called into the conflict by the UK and in northern Italy the Italian frontline is crumbling.
29 Aug 1939: South Africa joins the war and Venice has been captured.
30 Aug 1939: Now the Bulgarians join in (Greece called them in). Rommel's Panzerarmee 1 has captured Bolzano north of Venice.
Canada joins the British forces. Do they have forces at the frontline? In Africa probably.
Greece has called Hungary into the conflict.
01 Sep 1939: On the Albanian Front the Italians are resisting but losing ground.
02 Sep 1939: My research for the 15 cm sFH 38 has been completed.
I select Anti-Air Update next.
I immediate start producing the new artillery piece.
Look at the difference in casualties. We have 10K and the Italians 78K. There 30+ Italian divisions somewhere. In Africa?
Our air force is attacking the Italian fleet in the Adriatic See. Where is the Kriegsmarine?
I allow British troops to move through German territory.
In exchange I ask for a non-aggression treaty.
Next I send Lend-Lease to Greece.
03 Sep 1939: The British accept our request. Ironic is that in the real world Britain and France declared war on Germany on this day because of the German invasion of Poland.
04 Sep 1939: My Abwehr has been upgraded with Government Cypher School (2). Rommel's Panzerarmee 1 has reached the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea and La Spezia is about to fall. The Panzers are attacking south.
Our mission to infiltrate the Italian Army has been successfully completed.
My next upgrade for the Abwehr is Invisible Ink.
The Italian defences have been penetrated and the Wehrmacht is advancing towards Rome and into Lombardy. More in the next post.
