Germany - Iraq and Iran - 04 to 17 Sep 1941

The previous post concentrated on the campaign in Turkey so now the parallel campaign in Iraq and Iran.

04 Sep 1941: Iraq has called the Dutch East Indies into our war against Iraq. That means I can't get rubber from them anymore.
I can't attack Iran until 09 September but I can send part of 1. Panzerarmee along the Iraq-Iranian border.
07 Sep 1941: Another speech by the Führer preparing the people for the imminent war against Iran.
I need to transfer Luftwaffe assets from Turkish to Iranian air space.
I also plan upgrading the infrastructure in the Caucasus as well as more industry to support this new region of the Reich.
I also start construction of a new Heavy Cruiser.
I'm worried about high resistance levels because of a prolonged war therefore I have to plan beyond the current campaign. This war won't be over until Japan has been defeated so I need t send troops to the Far East.
I begin by moving my Armeegruppe East to the Japanese frontline in Siberia. First I must un-assign  Armeeschule Ost then cancel all the current orders for von Rundstedt's Armeegruppe.
I then assign them a new sector on the Russian-Japanese frontline.
They are on their way. I hope to capture a port there soon.
The situation in Iraq in the evening.
09 Sep 1941: We can now enter Iran.
I'm bypassing Tehran to gain Basra and Kuwait before Iraq capitulates.
I formally declare war on Iran....
....and publicly announce it.
Finally the plans for the campaign.
14 Sep 1941: Our forces have captured Tehran, Basra and Kuwait so now we can walk into Baghdad.
15 Sep 1941: The technology Advanced Fire Control System has been researched.
I select the Arado Ar 96 naval aircraft next.
Iraq is finished....
....while Iran is 69% towards capitulation.
17 Sep 1941: The capture of Bandar e'Abbas should be then end of the Iranian campaign.
But more in the next post.
