Germany - The Soviet Union Invades Finland - 07 Jun to 09 Jul 1940

07 Jun 1940: It doesn't take long to upgrade Railways.
17 Jun 1940: It looks like the Soviet invasion of Finland is imminent.
It was indeed imminent!
18 Jun 1940: I send Finland a Lend Lease package....
....and they accept.
20 Jun 1940: It looks like we have another World War!
21 Jun 1940: Passive Defence (1) has been completed so I continue with Passive Defence (2).
Now that is confusing!
That is not friendly!
I cancel our Lend Lease to Ostland. We have run out of 3,7 cm Anti-Tank guns.
28 Jun 1940: I select Krupp as my Industrial Concern.
03 Jul 1940: I only have one Geschwader of Dornier Do 17's with 100 aircraft. Also I have 17 aircraft as an attrition reserve so I cancel this production line.
I add the 5 Military Factories frrd up to the Fw 190 A production line.
The Front in Finland hasm't changed much but the Soviets have advanced north of Lake Ladoga.
06 Jul 1940: We have researched All-or-Nothing Armour Scheme....
....and I select 1940 Submarine Hull next.
09 Jul 1940: Finally Bulgaria wishes to join our Faction and I welcome them.
Well I don't need to worry about the Soviets or even the Allies attacking me for a while. 
