Germany - The Home Front and Going Prussian - 12 Mar to 05 Apr 1939
12 Mar 1939: I plan to maximize the Infrastructure in Ostland and Ukraine.
13 Mar 1939: I shall undertake Anti-Communist raids over the next 120 days.17 Mar 1939: I order Marineschule Kiel back to port to enable repairs to be carried out.
19 Mae 1939: Since Germany is not changing to a Democracy many nations are cancelling their non-aggression pacts with us.
The Czechoslovakian Diplomacy ledger. They are in the Allies and still have Military Access to Germany.
21 Mar 1939: I deploy two more Geschwader - this time in Königsberg.
27 Mar 1939: I upgrade the Motorized Infantry Division template by adding a Light Tank Destroyer Battalion.
I also start recruiting a new division.
I forgot to create an Intelligence Agency. Better late than never.
30 Mar 1939: I add 5 x 3 Military Factortes to my Construction schedule.
05 Apr 1939: The Focus A New and Better Germany has been completed.
I select Return of the Kaiser next. It was the only one available.
I import more Tungsten from the United Kingdom.
I assign 10 fully-trained Infanterie-Divisionen to 4th Army....
....and the 1. Gebirgs-Division to 1st Army.
I deploy 10 Infanterie-Divisionen early.
Well, Kaiser Wilhelm II is coming home and we are finally getting an Intelligence Agency.
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