Germany - The German-Spanish Conflict (II) - 18 Jan to 05 Mar 1942
18 Jan 1942: I choose Naval Air Effort as the next Focus to research
Our perimeter is expanding but Barcelona is still in Spanish hands and I don't know if we can draw supplies through France. I also assign U-65 to II. U-Boots Flotille.19 Jan 1942: I reduce my Rubber imports from the UK.
20 Jan 1942: I also select to research 1940 Heavy Ship Hull.
My current Research projects. We are advancing along the border with France and are pushing back Spanish forces west of Barcelona.
I unlock the Air Doctrine Naval Strike Torpedo Tactics.
22 Jan 1942: The 3. Panzerarmee has returned from Finland. Portugal has beem cut into two halves. In the south Portuguese forces are struggling
02 Feb 1942: It wasn't much better in the north but the arrival of 4. Panerarmee at Porto saved the day.. I sent task forces in various directions and created this perimeter. My goal is to capture the Port Oviedo and León to the south of the port. I shall also push towards Coimbra in order to link up with the Portuguese in the south.
03 Feb 1942: The Spanish are 38% towards capitulation. We still have a long way to go but enemy's casualties are more than twice as high as ours.
11 Feb 1942: How the situatuation has changed in a week. Our forces in the east have almost linked up with 4. Panzerarmee coming from Portugal.
German Italy is looking for more autonomy but I'm not interested at the moment. Armee West appears to have captured Madrid. The new capital is probably Sevilla so now that most of northern Spain has been captured we need to head south.
My Construction schedule was almost empty so I've added 7 x 3 Military Factories.
Reststance is high in the usual problem zones.
15 Feb 1942: The 1. and 2. Fallschirmjäger-Divisionen have been deployed and I placed them in training.
ow that we have capture Air Bases I assign 7 Geschwader to 4 Armies in Spain.
16 Feb 1942: Spain is now 67% towards capitulation.
21 Feb 1942: There are still a few pockets in the north but I can gather enough forces to thrust south.
22 Feb 1942: I order 4 Armeen to advance southwest on a broad front.
24 Feb 1942: I add 4. Panzerarmee to the push south.
That looks pretty awesome.
04 Mar 1942: There is one lmore battle in the north then we can concentrate on conquering Sevilla.
05 Mar 1942: It appears that Sevilla has fallen,
We have captured a lot of Equipment including Improved Artillery and Armured Trains.
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