Germany - Abwehr Missions and Resistance - 24 Aug to 19 Sep 1942

24 Aug 1942: Abwehr Agents are sent to France to Prepare Collaboration Government.
01 Sep 1942: Another two Agents are sent to The Netherlands to Make Resistance Contacts.
11 Sep 1942: Research has been completed on 1940 Carrier Hull. Unfortunately I need more Naval XP to design a variant.
I select aircraft Range Improvements next.
13 Sep 1942: We have researched Basic Large Airframe....
....and I select 15 cm Kanone 18 next.
My current Research projects.
I import more Rubber from the Dutch East Indies.
18 Sep 1942: I deploy the 2 Schwere Panzer-Division42 early and place them in training.
I tansfer 3 trained Panzer-Divisionen to Panzerarmee Grossdeutschland.
I have 5 more Panzer-Divisionen and 2 Fallschirmjäger-Divisionen in training.
The Resistance levels in Spain are still high....
....but in Poland and Russia they are much better.
I order all of Panzerarmee Grossdeutschland to the Port at Hamburg so that it can quickly be shipped overseas if necessary.
19 Sep 1942: The Focus Prepare for the Next Blockade has been completed.
I select Rekindle Imperial Sentiment as the next Focus. That will probably upset the Allies but they have their hands full at the moment.
The Global Summary. The African Union is a potential target because they can't join the Allies.
The Royal Air Force is still very strong but they are spread all around the world and how many of them are new models. 
