Germany - Abwehr Missions and Resistance - 24 Aug to 19 Sep 1942

24 Aug 1942: Abwehr Agents are sent to France to Prepare Collaboration Government . 01 Sep 1942: Another two Agents are sent to The Netherlands to Make Resistance Contacts . 11 Sep 1942: Research has been completed on 1940 Carrier Hull . Unfortunately I need more Naval XP to design a variant. I select aircraft Range Improvements next. 13 Sep 1942: We have researched Basic Large Airframe .... ....and I select 15 cm Kanone 18 next. My current Research projects. I import more Rubber from the Dutch East Indies. 18 Sep 1942: I deploy the 2 Schwere Panzer-Division42 early and place them in training. I tansfer 3 trained Panzer-Divisionen to Panzerarmee Grossdeutschland. I have 5 more Panzer-Divisionen and 2 Fallschirmjäger-Divisionen in training. The Resistance levels in Spain are still high.... ....but in Poland and Russia they are much better. I order all of Panzerarmee Grossdeutschland to the Port at Hamburg so that it can quickly be shipped overseas if necessary. 19 Sep 1942: T...