UK - Post-Conflict Activities - 17 Aug to 01 Sep 1940

18 Aug 1940: The post-conflict patchwork of Eastern Europe and Russia.
Both Canada and South Africa are contemplating leaving the British Empire.
I ship the 12th West Asrica Division to Madeira and the 47th London Division to the Azores.
I invite the Great Mongolian State to join the Allies.
19 Aug 1940: Mongolia accepts.
I order the Western Med Fleet to Escort Convoys in the Iberian Coast region.
I assign the 12th and 47th Divisions to the Mediterranean Army.
20 Aug 1940: I add Kherson-Crimea to 3rd Army's garrison mission.
The War Summary is now much easier to understand.
25 Aug 1940: I accept the Lend Lease from Germany.
31 Aug 1940: From Italy too. My Constuction queue.
The Empire loses 2 more Merchants in the Straits of Malacca.
01 Sep 1940: The Diplomacy ledgers for Angola and Mozambique.
The Resistance kevel for the Azores is very high.
Finally the Diplomacy ledger for Carlist Spain.
Some of the borders are still changing like here in Iberia. 
